Real world solutions

GIC Training Australia will provide you with proficient and efficient solutions that actually work in the real world environment. As we know your industry, we are here to provide you with the ‘why’ and ‘how’, not just deliver principle based training.

Return Safe

Employee and Personnel risk reduction regarding staff that communicate with unconfirmed persons (members of the public) is the most crucial skill that any employer can provide their staff. Returning safe back to your vehicle, to your office, to your family, has always been and will always be the most important event that occurs. GIC Training Australia’s Operational Security Package focuses on specific elements to allow you and your staff to return safe.

Develop for life

Every package that GIC Training Australia delivers comes with a focus of continuous improvement, best practice and establishing skills that can be consumed for life.
This core principle is what has allowed GIC Training Australia to become the preferred and chosen, employee and personnel risk reduction consultants to the local and state government industries throughout Australia.