Statement Taking

Statement taking is a principle task that all Government investigators need to master. GIC Training Australia’s Statement Taking package cuts through the tape and offers raw, straight forward techniques, which actually work in the real world.

The package focuses on;

  • Who, Why, Where, When; Who can provide a statement, Why do we take statements, Where is it safe to obtain a statement, When should we attain a statement.
  • Statement Techniques; the TED technique, specific closed, closed, leading, forced choice.
  • Take a statement; take a statement, following a tried and true process that ensures best information is acquired and practices followed.

To find out more about GIC Training Australia’s Statement Taking package please contact us.

From $189.00 per person. Conditions apply.

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Operational Security Package

The Operational Security package focuses on proactive actions and planning elements that reduces the risk of an actual event occurring rendering reactive risk reduction redundant.

General Government Investigations

GIC Training Australia’s General Government Investigations package walks through the investigative process and provides a framework for personnel that have investigative roles.

Ethical Investigative Interviewing

Investigative interviewing techniques are an essential tool for any Government investigator.