General Government Investigations

Conducting a Government Investigation can be a daunting and complex task for non-traditional investigators (animal control officers, environmental health officers, planning officers, building and plumbing inspectors, Department of Primary Industry officers, non-compliance units etc). Due to this, we can at times find ourselves in a position where we don’t know where to turn or how to proceed. GIC Training Australia’s General Government Investigations package walks through the investigative process and provides a framework for personnel that have investigative roles.

The package focuses on;

  • General legislative powers and delegations; individual delegations, general powers.
  • Initial assessment and security at an investigative scene; factors relating to initial assessment of a scene, utilising investigative techniques within a logical sequence, identifying scene security considerations.
  • Scene notes and diagrams; the understanding of taking contemporaneous notes, development of scene diagrams utilising field techniques.
  • The investigative Caution; why, when and how to issue the investigative caution.
  • Field interviews and question techniques; field interviews and their format, the use of different question techniques in the field environment to achieve desired outcome.
  • Lawful directions; best practice concerning when and how to issue lawful directions.
  • Scene photography and videography; initial incident scene photography and videography, fatal flaws regarding photography and videography.
  • Exhibits; considerations regarding the seizing, transport, storage and disposal of exhibits, best practice regarding exhibits including continuity, chain of custody and documentation management.

GIC Training Australia’s General Government Investigations package is also pertinent for experienced government investigators that want to hone their skills further.

To find out more about GIC Training Australia’s General Government Investigations package please contact us.

From $189.00 per person. Conditions apply.

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Operational Security Package

The Operational Security package focuses on proactive actions and planning elements that reduces the risk of an actual event occurring rendering reactive risk reduction redundant.

General Government Investigations

GIC Training Australia’s General Government Investigations package walks through the investigative process and provides a framework for personnel that have investigative roles.

Ethical Investigative Interviewing

Investigative interviewing techniques are an essential tool for any Government investigator.