Ethical Investigative Interviewing

Investigative interviewing techniques are an essential tool for any Government investigator. GIC Training Australia’s Ethical Investigative Interviewing package provides a structured Government investigative interviewing framework, which can be easily adopted by all government investigators, in order to conduct proficient and professional ethical investigative interviews, in the office and field environments.

The package focuses on;

  • Who, Why, Where, When; Who can be involved in an interview, Why interviews are conducted, Where interviews can be conducted, When to conduct an interview.
  • Types of interviews; what interview formats exist and what is most appropriate for my needs.
  • Question techniques; the TED technique, specific closed, closed, leading, forced choice.
  • Interview setup; assessment of operational security, identifying elements of proof specific to an offence, requirements surrounding support persons, charge development.
  • Conduct an Investigative Interview; conduct an interview following an approved process including preliminary and closing formats, introduce documentation following an approved process within an interview, use question techniques to prove elements of proof within an interview.

To find out more about GIC Training Australia’s Ethical Investigative Interviewing package please contact us.

From $189.00 per person. Conditions apply.

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Operational Security Package

The Operational Security package focuses on proactive actions and planning elements that reduces the risk of an actual event occurring rendering reactive risk reduction redundant.

General Government Investigations

GIC Training Australia’s General Government Investigations package walks through the investigative process and provides a framework for personnel that have investigative roles.

Ethical Investigative Interviewing

Investigative interviewing techniques are an essential tool for any Government investigator.